Changing php values (the easy way! )
Author: admin admin Reference Number: AA-00276 Views: 58156 Created: 2013-03-15 12:14 Last Updated: 2013-03-25 11:18 |
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Some scripts will need register_globals, more ram, and other 'unique' settings, we added a system to allow you to easily change your php settings without having to edit config files !
To change php values / directives easily simply log into your control panel, then in here click on 'Select PHP Version' , then in the drop down selector choose the version of PHP you would like to use, then click on 'Set as current', You can also then change the php extensions that are loaded
apc gd mcrypt pspell timezonedb bcmath gender memcache quickhash trader big_int geoip memcached radius translit bitset hidef mongo recode uploadprogress bloomy htscanner msgpack rsync uri_template bz2_filter huffman mssql snmp uuid coin_acceptor idn mysql soap wddx crack igbinary mysqli sourceguardian weakref curl imagick ncurses spl_types xcache dba imap oauth sqlite xdebug dbase inclued odbc ssh2 xmlreader dbx inotify pdo stats xmlrpc dom intl pdo_mysql stem xmlwriter doublemetaphone ioncube_loader pdo_odbc stomp xrange eaccelerator json pdo_pgsql suhosin xsl eio ldap pdo_sqlite sysvmsg yaf enchant lzf pgsql sysvsem zend_guard_loader fileinfo mailparse phar sysvshm zip functional mbstring posix tidy
shows a table of possible php extensions that can be enabled / disabled, we recommend always ensuring your have the mysql / mysqli / pdo_mysql boxes ticked.
Once you have choosen the php extensions / modules you would like, then click the 'save' button at the bottom of the page to set those modules!
Then click 'Show PHP Settings' in the top right of the screen, in this menu you can now change php settings with a few clicks of the mouse ! (remember when finished, choose to save your changes (at the bottom of the page !) )